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Investigaciones e informes

Ángela es una promotora de puerta a puerta, es una mujer que quiere dejar un cambio positivo en la sociedad y cree que la mejor forma es enseñando y compartiendo sus conocimientos para que otros se vuelvan replicadores de un cambio. Para Ángela...

Colombia: A Closer look, refugee education

2023 - Education, Migration and Displacement

In December 2023, leaders from across the globe will gather for the 2nd Global Refugee Forum, it is a landmark opportunity to deliver decisive action for refugee children. Earlier this year, Save the Children published a new report – The Price of...

The effects of climate change make it difficult for countries to feed their population and among the most affected are children who will be at greater risk of malnutrition and hunger. The relationship between food and nutrition security and...

Perú: Una mirada más de cerca

2023 - Education, Migration and Displacement

En diciembre de 2023, líderes de todo el mundo se reunirán en el 2.º Foro Mundial sobre Refugiados, es una oportunidad histórica para implementar acciones decisivas para los niños refugiados. A principios de este año, Save the Children publicó un...

Localisation Update Newsletter October 2023

2023 - Advocacy, Child Rights Programming

Localisation initiatives within the organisation.

Promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Mexico

2023 - Adolescent Skills for Successful Transitions, Gender Equality

This brief summarizes the research methodology, findings and recommendations from the Gender & Power (GAP) Analysis conducted for the Skills to Succeed (S2S) Mexico program. The S2S program GAP Analysis is a form of action research used to...

Save the Children and School Meals: Overview

2023 - Adolescent, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Child-Sensitive Social Protection ...

Save the Children is a global leader in humanitarian and development programming, reaching 125 million children in 120 countries. That reach includes girls and boys who eat nutritious meals through our school feeding programming. Save the Children...

HEA Outcome Analysis Results, Quiché, Guatemala

2023 - Child Poverty, Food Security and Livelihoods

This report presents the findings of a Household Economy Analysis (HEA) outcome analysis from the livelihood zone GT06 in Quiché, Guatemala. the results cover the period of November 2022-October 2023. The main conclusions of the analysis are as...

This analysis is based on Save the Children’s  Gender and Power (GAP) Analysis Guidance. Girls globally have less time for recreational activities or collective activism. Girls work more hours and are more likely to do paid and unpaid work...

In brief, infographic format, this document summarizes the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs of Save the Children in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) Region. It details CVA program goals in various LAC countries, as well targeting...